Thursday and Friday 6:30 to 9:30 AM; Saturday and Sunday 7 to 10 AM
Registration by Packards-North Texas and hospitality by Arklatex will be in the Mill Creek Meeting room. Times will be posted for both.
Meet members from other Regions; fun and games plus treats.
9:00 AM: Departure in the front parking lot for "Early Bird Tour" to TBD, with lunch at TBD.
Tour will be led by Gordon Logan, tour master. Approx. time of return @2 -3 PM.
The Packards will be on public display on the banks of Salado Creek next to the brewery.
Food trucks, soft drinks, craft beer and live music are available at the Brewery. Outdoor and indoor seating.
Live entertainment at the brewery usually starts between 6:30 and 7. Return on your own to the hotel.
Many locals attend the Friday "food truck night" at the Brewery and they will enjoy seeing our cars.
For those who would want a regular restaurant,
Rio Salado Mexican Restaurant is across the street from the Brewery and
Chupacabra Kitchen is about a block away on Main Street (hamburgers, fried shrimp, chicken wings, etc.).
The Shed Restaurant is approximately a block down Royal Street from the Brewery and is known for great hamburgers, pizza, salads, pulled pork nachos, etc.
Before 9:00 AM: Cars should be placed by classes in the appropriate spot on the grounds of the Holiday Inn no later than 9 AM.
David Miller is in charge of placement and he and his team will show you where to display your Packard.
Individuals with parts to sell may display them close to their Packard. Individuals with large inventories in trailers or truck beds will be directed to a specific area nearby so as not to impede traffic flow around the cars on display.
A food truck, TBD, will be on site for lunch. (Variety of menu choices)
10:00 AM: Regional Directors meeting in the Mill Creek meeting room. Upstairs 2nd Floor, North End of Hall, across from the stairway.
The ballot box will be in the lobby. Designated members of the Arklatex Region will collect the ballots at 12:00 and meet in the 2nd floor Conference room to count them for the awards program. When finished, Mark Wilson and Chris Stathopulo will use the room to prepare our slide presentation for the evening awards program.
1 :30 - 2:30 PM: Tech session in the Chisholm Trail Room arranged by the North Texas Region on Packard Repair & Maintenance.
2:30- 3:30 PM: TBD
5:30 PM: Gather at the Mill Creek Country Club for our Dinner and Awards Program.
Cash wine and beer bar will be available at posted prices at 5:30. Tickets for the 50/50 drawing will be sold at this time.
6:00 PM: Following the Salado Mayor's welcome address, Meet Chair, TBD , will make some welcoming comments and then introduce special guests. There will be an invocation and then dinner. Following dinner, our special guests may have comments and then the North Texas region will begin the awards presentation.
Sunday, April 6 - Happy trails until the 47th Texas Packard Meet, April 9 - 12, 2026.
(Courtesy of Bob Supina. Photo taken by Gail Supina.)
Photo shows the late Warren Packard, Jr., Bob Supina and the late Roger White in front of
Bob's 1937 Packard Super Eight LeBaron All-Weather Town Car.
Warren and Roger were direct descendants of the founders of Packard Motor Car Company.
(Any member of Texas Packard Meet sponsoring clubs may submit an ad for this site FREE. Just email details and photos to Bill Clark at the email address that will show with the above ad.)
We do accept paid advertisement for auto related businesses, Packards for sale and the like. . The rate is $50/year. Contact the web master if you wish to be considered. clarkwc@aol.com
Page 2, photos from 2013, click here
Page 3, photos from 2013, click here
Page 4, photos from 2013, click her
Web Master: Bill Clark 221 Hills of Texas Trail, Georgetown, TX 78633, 210-347-5295 clarkwc@aol.com